Farbensalz, new + improved


Pewter Dachshund has bad-assedly written a soundtrack to complete this video, which appeared in a similar form here before (with a found soundtrack by Signal). I’ve submitted this for consideration in the Sarasota Film Festival… if accepted, it would play in their music video shorts program in April.

It was fun putting this together– I’m sure it was a challenge to make a soundtrack to an already-existing piece of video, especially when I pretty much didn’t want to make any cuts in the piece, but rather to have it flow along, evolving.

Click to view, or right-click to save:

Farbensalz (27mb)

By the way, in German, farben=color, and salz=salt.

Any thoughts or feedback is much appreciated.

~ by plastron on March 11, 2008.

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